MOT – Module of Temporality



Welcome to the virtual experience of Module of Temporality!

You can jump into the metaverse to feel yourself inside our construction watching all the artworks presented with explanations by artists.

This 3D-tour became possible
due to our partner WhiteBIT — the largest
European cryptocurrency exchange coming from Ukraine.

If you want, you can pay with a bank card for a virtual ticket here — choose yourself how much. All your payments will be directed to our fund — 100% of collected funds will be donated to rebuild art institutions and monuments, in particular museums, that will be chosen by the project team with involvement of specialists from different fields. Depending on the total sum that we will collect and the scale of damage, we will have the possibility to support one or several such objects.


Entering the space choose and customize your avatar as you like. You can choose different garments and faces or even put yours one via your laptop or phone camera.

Then go through the Module of Temporality halls:

1) use controls on your keyboard or touchpad to go around
2) click on the artworks and captions to watch them closer or play video

mobile app Spatial:
1) click on the screen or use circle manipulator to go around
2) click button with a magnifying glass to see full artwork or play video, click button with a cross to continue observing the space.

You can also react on anything around using keyboard or clicking reactions buttons too like clapping or waving to someone in the room. If you get stuck, select any point in space and click on it to “teleport” to another location.

If you want to discuss the exhibition with friends or other guests, just login, unmute the microphone in the settings and keep a close distance from the avatar you want to talk to — just like in real space. So plan your next meeting with friends from around the world in the Module of Temporality metauniverse!